Opening hours

Important additional information about the opening hours of the castle!

Opening of the visitor season from 5th April 2025.

April and October Saturdays and Sundays 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. (17th - 21st April 2025 Easter, 27th, 28th, 29th October 2025 Autumn holidays Castle open, 30th and 31st October 2025 Castle open at specific times - see online sales) (last tour starts at 3 p.m.). 

In the months of April and October, for pre-booked groups (min. 5 people), tours are also available on weekdays except Mondays (from 10 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.).

May, June and September Tuesday to Friday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (last tour starts at 3 p.m.), Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (last tour starts at 4 p.m.) (1st, 2nd, 8th and 9th May 2025 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 28th September 2025 open).

July and August Tuesday to Sunday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. (last tour starts at 5 p.m.)

April to October the chateau is also open on public holidays. If a public holiday falls on a Monday, the following day (Tuesday) is CLOSED!

November, December open on 1st and 2nd November 10 a.m. -  3 p.m. and during the time of the castle market (fair) and Advent and early evening tours see dates in the Cultural Calendar 2025.

!!! On 22nd November 2025 the "Castle Fair" will take place - opening hours for tours of the castle 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

January, February and March CLOSED.





The souvenirs shop is open:

is the same as the visiting hours of the castle.


The castle courtyard is open:

is the same as the visiting hours of the castle.


The castle park is open:

April - October:

from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.

!The gates from Hradecká Street and Švamberk Street will be closed from 8.00 p.m. to 8.00a.m.!

November - March:

from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

Only part of the park near the summer palace. The park in the valley of the Golden Stream is closed to the public.

Visiting hours may be adjusted by the castle administration if the operational or security situation requires it. For more information, see the site's visiting timetable.




1. 1st floor of the castle (basic circuit)

Period Days Hours
1. 1.-4. 4. closed
5. 4.-30. 4. sat–sun 10.00 – 15.00
17. 4.-21. 4. mon, thu, fri, sat, sun 10.00 – 15.00
1. 5.-2. 5. thu–fri 10.00 – 16.00
3. 5.-7. 5. tue, wed, fri 10.00 – 15.00
3. 5.-7. 5. sat–sun 10.00 – 16.00
8. 5.-9. 5. thu–fri 10.00 – 16.00
10. 5.-31. 5. tue–fri 10.00 – 15.00
10. 5.-31. 5. sat–sun 10.00 – 16.00
1. 6.-30. 6. tue–fri 10.00 – 15.00
1. 6.-30. 6. sat–sun 10.00 – 16.00
1. 7.-31. 8. tue–sun 10.00 – 17.00
1. 9.-28. 9. tue–fri 10.00 – 15.00
1. 9.-28. 9. sat–sun 10.00 – 16.00
1. 10.-31. 10. sat–sun 10.00 – 15.00
27. 10.-31. 10. mon–fri 10.00 – 15.00
1. 11.-2. 11. sat–sun 10.00 – 15.00
22. 11. sat 10.00 – 16.00
23. 11.-14. 12. sat–sun 10.00 – 14.00
5. 12.-12. 12. fri 18.00 – 18.30
27. 12.-30. 12. mon, tue, sat, sun 10.00 – 15.00

The tour of the 1st floor of the chateau begins with a visit to the African collections from the travels (1901-1902) of the then owner of the chateau, Prince Joseph II. Colloredo-Mannsfeld. The private rooms of the prince and his wives - Lucy Yvonne and Maria Sidonie de Smit, the chambers of...

Information about starting times of individual tours can be found in their descriptions

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2. 2nd floor of the castle

Period Days Hours
1. 1.-4. 4. closed
5. 4.-30. 4. sat–sun 10.00 – 15.00
17. 4.-21. 4. mon, thu, fri, sat, sun 10.00 – 15.00
1. 5.-2. 5. thu–fri 10.00 – 16.00
3. 5.-7. 5. tue, wed, fri 10.00 – 15.00
3. 5.-7. 5. sat–sun 10.00 – 16.00
8. 5.-9. 5. thu–fri 10.00 – 16.00
10. 5.-31. 5. tue–fri 10.00 – 15.00
10. 5.-31. 5. sat–sun 10.00 – 16.00
1. 6.-30. 6. tue–fri 10.00 – 15.00
1. 6.-30. 6. sat–sun 10.00 – 16.00
1. 7.-31. 8. tue–sun 10.00 – 17.00
1. 9.-30. 9. tue–fri 10.00 – 15.00
1. 9.-30. 9. sat–sun 10.00 – 16.00
1. 10.-31. 10. sat–sun 10.00 – 15.00
1. 11.-2. 11. sat–sun 10.00 – 15.00

The 2nd floor of the castle represents the life of the Colloredo-Mannsfeld family at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The tour includes a visit to the private rooms of the siblings of Prince Joseph II. C-M - sisters Johanna, Maria Theresa, Ernestina Carolina, Ida Margaret....

Information about starting times of individual tours can be found in their descriptions

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3. Non-traditional tours

No sheduled time periods

Apart from the tours of the 1st and 2nd floors of the chateau, we offer special tours on the announced dates.

Information about starting times of individual tours can be found in their descriptions

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